+[2013-12-27T19:53:23Z]penibelstemegea: ask here +[2013-12-27T22:06:51Z]pontikihi folx +[2013-12-27T22:36:09Z]mnsdoes jekyll use bootstrap framework ? +[2013-12-27T22:44:14Z]emegeaI need to create a octopress theme from simple html template, I will pay :-) +[2013-12-27T22:55:03Z]emegeahi?
+[2013-12-28T02:25:39Z]jaybemns, it doesn't by default, but it can/could... just as it could use any framework +[2013-12-28T06:43:34Z]mnsHow would I create a "Last Modified: <date page was last modified>" footer ? I don't know how to get the last modified date for the page in liquid. +[2013-12-28T07:21:48Z]mnswhat is wrong with {{ 'now' | date: "%Y %h" }} ? It always comes back with +[2013-12-28T07:22:05Z]mnswhat is wrong with {{ 'now' | date: "%Y %h" }} ? It always comes back with "now" (without the quotes) +[2013-12-28T07:34:43Z]pontikimns: 'now' is not something you can parse into a date