+[2016-12-13T11:40:08Z]sucode_sonOfRa: how to do that +[2016-12-13T11:40:10Z]sucode_? +[2016-12-13T13:36:14Z]Ben_1hi +[2016-12-13T13:37:09Z]Ben_1my local repo was connected with a not real existing email address, now I changed it to an existing one. Is there a way to connect all my previous commits in github to the new email adress? +[2016-12-13T13:41:18Z]tobiasvlBen_1: only by rewriting the history of the repo
Hi, can I get text file with all code of files on my repo?
+[2016-12-14T02:36:51Z]malinoffhi, how can a repo owner push commits into my fork (in a branch I created for PR)? I'm pretty sure I didn't give anyone write access +[2016-12-14T03:06:48Z]malinoffalright, found https://help.github.com/articles/allowing-changes-to-a-pull-request-branch-created-from-a-fork/ +[2016-12-14T05:16:37Z]PlagueRatOkay... there is an opensource project on github that is nice... I likes it. However, I want to add a few features. How do I do that? More importantly, once I fork off my own version, is there a mechanism that facilitates other people's changes being included into my version ? I have never used github before (except as source) +[2016-12-14T09:59:59Z]dknight87hi guys, I want to get the top 10 biggest Pull Requests by size in my private github org. How can I achieve this in python and the github api? Please advise. +[2016-12-14T10:12:08Z]canton7dknight87, start off with a definition of "biggest"