+ [2017-03-02T20:29:24Z] ePirat which is what I want to avoid as there will probably be a few more sites going to use that theme in the future and it's right now already annoying
+ [2017-03-02T20:31:19Z] ePirat allejo, I guess I could use a subfolder for the theme and just symlink things to make jekyll happy?
+ [2017-03-02T20:32:24Z] allejo how would you symlink things?
+ [2017-03-02T20:34:07Z] allejo i guess each separate site could have the main theme repo as another origin and them just pull/merge from there
+ [2017-03-02T20:34:36Z] ePirat that's a good idea

message no. 164651

Posted by ePirat in #jekyll at 2017-03-02T18:09:38Z

+ [2017-03-03T01:37:40Z] rdg noob question - what's the flag that keeps a post from being published
+ [2017-03-03T01:43:08Z] allejo _drafts folder
+ [2017-03-03T01:44:48Z] jaybe rdg, published: false
+ [2017-03-03T01:45:03Z] jaybe [[frontmatter]]
+ [2017-03-03T01:45:03Z] jekyllrb (frontmatter) http://jekyllrb.com/docs/frontmatter/