+ [2017-03-12T23:40:54Z] allejo got a sample repo somewhere?
+ [2017-03-12T23:43:28Z] jaybe yawn
+ [2017-03-12T23:43:49Z] Turaiel Here's the question with details of the setup if you'd like: http://talk.jekyllrb.com/t/collection-items-with-future-date-are-published/304
+ [2017-03-12T23:43:50Z] jekyllrb Title: Collection items with future date are published - Help - Jekyll Talk (at talk.jekyllrb.com)
+ [2017-03-12T23:43:58Z] Turaiel I don't have a public repo for it, no

message no. 165353

Posted by chatter29 in #jekyll at 2017-03-12T02:57:23Z

to accept Islam say that i bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad peace be upon him is his slave and messenger
+ [2017-03-12T23:59:30Z] allejo seems like a jekyll bug to me
+ [2017-03-13T00:04:12Z] Turaiel Interesting...
+ [2017-03-13T00:08:09Z] Turaiel Well, I guess I'll have to revert the site for now, until I can find out what's up.
+ [2017-03-13T00:09:20Z] allejo fun fact, jekyll's 'posts' collection is in reverse chronological order. `.last` will return the oldest post whereas other collections are the opposite?
+ [2017-03-13T00:12:03Z] allejo looks like a bug, either that or the docs are misleading