+ [2017-03-17T16:21:12Z] jaybe [[highlight]]
+ [2017-03-17T16:21:12Z] jekyllrb (highlight) https://jekyllrb.com/docs/templates/#code-snippet-highlighting
+ [2017-03-17T16:23:39Z] jaybe most welcome :)
+ [2017-03-17T17:06:46Z] jaybe gets his jekyll on

message no. 165888

Posted by jekyllrb in #jekyll at 2017-03-17T16:21:12Z

(highlight) https://jekyllrb.com/docs/templates/#code-snippet-highlighting
+ [2017-03-18T10:10:36Z] firas how can I implement a basic post search functionality in jekyll ?
+ [2017-03-18T10:11:35Z] osfameron firas: javascript or shell out to google
+ [2017-03-18T10:11:39Z] osfameron I think are the usual suggestions
+ [2017-03-18T10:12:35Z] osfameron I think I prefer the latter idea: http://digitaldrummerj.me/blogging-on-github-part-7-adding-a-custom-google-search/ looks fairly thorough
+ [2017-03-18T10:12:36Z] jekyllrb Title: Jekyll Part 07: Adding a custom Google search (at digitaldrummerj.me)