+[2017-03-18T10:26:24Z]osfameronanyway, I should head off. catch you later! & +[2017-03-18T10:27:02Z]firasalright thanks a lot ! +[2017-03-18T23:10:08Z]timwisHey folks, has anyone seen a good pattern for including stylesheets and scripts on specific pages? The liquid gets a bit complex when conditionally prepending baseurl, unless the string starts with "http" or "https" etc. +[2017-03-18T23:31:45Z]allejotimwis, what you could do is pass up information from the front matter up to layouts +[2017-03-18T23:33:50Z]allejoe.g. if you have front matter with html (links/scripts) you can access it through {{ page.<your fm key> }} in the layouts
+[2017-03-19T00:03:37Z]timwisHey allejo ! Yeah I'm doing that here : https://github.com/CodeForPhilly/philly-ward-leaders/blob/v2/_layouts/default.html it's just a bit verbose when trying to accommodate both local and external assets +[2017-03-19T00:03:38Z]jekyllrbTitle: philly-ward-leaders/default.html at v2 · CodeForPhilly/philly-ward-leaders · GitHub (at github.com) +[2017-03-19T17:41:38Z]brakelshey, I'm new to jekyll, and I'm trying to load some javascript on every page. Normally I'd add a <script> to the <head>, but I don't see how to do that. Do I need to change the theme? +[2017-03-19T17:42:10Z]brakelsor is there an _includes file I can add that will automatically be injected into the head? +[2017-03-19T17:46:32Z]brakelsI think I may have found my answer: if I'm reading docs/themes right, theme files are looked for in your projects assets/_layouts/_includes/_sass folders before the theme's, so if I, say, copy my theme's _includes/head.html to my project folder, then I can add my tags there?