+[2017-06-05T05:14:11Z]jekyllrbTitle: fix autogeneration by LukeSwart · Pull Request #39 · openseattle/openseattle.github.io · GitHub (at github.com) +[2017-06-05T05:24:16Z]allejowouldn't excluding it mean it won't be moved to _site? +[2017-06-10T08:30:57Z]azarusHey guys, I've experienced this error: http://dpaste.de/x1o3 , even though jekyll-archives is installed by bundle, and as a gem. +[2017-06-10T08:30:59Z]jekyllrbTitle: dpaste.de: Snippet #421940 (at dpaste.de) +[2017-06-10T08:31:25Z]azarusI've tried to build using `bundle exec jekyll build`
I've tried to build using `bundle exec jekyll build`
+[2017-06-11T03:23:37Z]zmoazeniThere's likely a cleaner way to do this, but https://gist.github.com/zmoazeni/4241c4908cb3f9ced40482e100560b6c works for me +[2017-06-11T03:23:38Z]jekyllrbTitle: duplicate_posts_in_other_versions.rb · GitHub (at gist.github.com) +[2017-06-11T03:28:04Z]jaybeheh nice +[2017-06-11T03:31:04Z]jaybezmoazeni, i used VSC the other day and i must say-- i really couldn't find ways to make fun of it like i seem to always see/hear +[2017-06-11T03:31:22Z]jaybeinline markdown editor and rendered markdown aside