+ [2014-01-28T20:13:48Z] jaybe bleh PHP ;p
+ [2014-01-28T20:15:11Z] jaybe does support postgres however so that's positive
+ [2014-01-28T23:15:52Z] jackyalcine how do people tend to handle their jekyll sites?
+ [2014-01-28T23:16:06Z] jackyalcine the guard-jekyll and guard-jekyll-plus tools are a bit wonky

message no. 17468

Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2014-01-28T20:15:11Z

does support postgres however so that's positive
+ [2014-01-29T01:16:24Z] pontiki they are
+ [2014-01-29T01:16:31Z] pontiki -plus is a wee bit better
+ [2014-01-29T01:16:47Z] pontiki but i just built a rake file
+ [2014-01-29T01:17:04Z] pontiki sorta stole the best bits out of octopress and tweaked it for my needs
+ [2014-01-29T01:17:57Z] pontiki i have a planet news site that runs an update every 4 hours, and a comic scraper that runs once a day