+[2014-02-16T20:01:57Z]pontikiwell, i don't know what's going on +[2014-02-17T00:06:03Z]gaz_bfatal: Could not read from remote repository." error .... my ssh keys are in fact set up just fine and is working ... Does anyone know what could be going wrong here .. do i need to configure my github authentication somewhere else ? +[2014-02-17T00:06:03Z]gaz_bhi there, myu installation on mac (octopress on github pages) seems to have all gone very well, apart fromthe last step when i do a rake deploy .. I get a "Permission denied (publickey). +[2014-02-17T02:29:53Z]pontikigaz_b: figure it out? +[2014-02-17T05:30:20Z]jaybepontiki, re: op/safari/webrick. yah weird. makes no sense. i use jekyll just fine with safari/webrick/whatever.
+[2014-02-18T04:04:30Z]aboudreaultDo I need the public directory in my git repository when deploying on heroku? will it be generated on-push? +[2014-02-18T04:09:57Z]aboudreaultlooks like yes I need them. +[2014-02-18T04:10:02Z]aboudreaults/them/it. +[2014-02-18T10:28:09Z]Alexis_Evotrying to make my blog index include different files depending on the type of the post (a different layout for photos, music, videos, normal text, question/answers, etc), what's the best way to go about this? +[2014-02-18T11:02:37Z]Alexis_EvoAlso, the website claims Octopress comes with the "puts" tag plugin, but it's lacking from the github source.