+ [2014-02-19T20:43:38Z] kaffeebohne Your client could upload the posts with ftp, your server would watch that folder, copy the new content to your jekyll source folder and then build jekyll
+ [2014-02-19T20:43:48Z] SylvieLorxu Yeah, that would work
+ [2014-02-19T20:44:02Z] pontiki i thought you mentioned the client wanted a GUI
+ [2014-02-19T20:44:14Z] SylvieLorxu Would be the best probably

message no. 19185

Posted by troyswanson in #jekyll at 2014-02-19T20:37:50Z

pontiki: you could simplify a lot and use dropbox to host the _posts folder
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:08Z] sunbeam {{ site.data.lang.meta.description.eng }}
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:08Z] sunbeam does not work
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:08Z] sunbeam does not display any text, while the meta description eng exists in _data/lang.yml
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:08Z] jaybe sunbeam, you alluded last evening/this morning to defining 'site.data.*...' within _config.yml. if you did so, you may have overridden the capabilities of the data files feature. considered that?
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:08Z] sunbeam jaybe: i didn't do that