+[2014-06-30T21:51:54Z]bretyou can start using a css framework like bootstrap, to which there are many different themes people have made +[2014-06-30T21:52:21Z]bretso if you site works with the framework, then themes for that framework can be used to change its appearence +[2014-06-30T21:53:39Z]bretie http://bootswatch.com/ +[2014-06-30T21:54:05Z]bretpart of the fun with jekyll can be playing around with css though, dont let a framework hold you dowm +[2014-06-30T21:54:16Z]brets/dowm/down
doesn't quite seem like what jekyll or other static generators are meant for
+[2014-07-01T01:17:58Z]arrdemif I have a directory, say _posts_and_raws, and I want to apply both the _posts processor and some custom _raw formatter to every file in that directory, is there a way to do this easily or will I need to hack a jekyll plugin? +[2014-07-01T01:19:49Z]arrdemthe idea here is that I'm writing API docs with examples and docstrings, so I'd like to be able to have separate static files for the docs of a given API component and the examples of a given API component and have the pretty formatting for all of that separated from the "raw" content so that it's possible for me to serve "raw" examples say for a REPL client without duplicating the text manually. +[2014-07-01T05:27:17Z]Yahkobyo +[2014-07-01T07:06:05Z]willvarfarcan jekyll process a single file - passed from stdin - and write it to stdout? I've got a simple live editor going, but it pains me that it recreates the whole site each keystroke http://i.imgur.com/7QVe9mU.png +[2014-07-01T18:48:31Z]dysocoSo excuse my illiteracy but the last website I wrote was in the 00s using HTML tables... I recently saw a nice Bootstrap theme I'd like to use, and was thinking of making a blog using Github Pages and Jekyll. However I was wondering if it's possible to use a custom bootstrap theme with Jekyll, since jekyll-bootstrap uses their own themes, apparently.