+ [2014-07-04T15:15:11Z] fluxsource ie, being on any post page highlights the blog menu item
+ [2014-07-04T15:15:32Z] fluxsource I've got a workaround anyway, so it's no big deal, would have just been a bit more elegent/futureproof
+ [2014-07-04T15:15:34Z] jaybe that can/should be done a different way. the template being used on the backend really shouldn't matter.
+ [2014-07-04T16:20:38Z] pontiki hi all
+ [2014-07-04T16:20:53Z] pontiki *insert appropriate time-of-day greeting*

message no. 27014

Posted by pontiki in #jekyll at 2014-07-04T16:20:53Z

*insert appropriate time-of-day greeting*
+ [2014-07-05T08:05:00Z] Edelwin hello!
+ [2014-07-05T08:05:45Z] Edelwin I want to include snippets of code in my posts, and I use pygments
+ [2014-07-05T08:06:27Z] Edelwin so I installed pygments.rb as a gem, but when I do a 'jekyll serve', it raises an error
+ [2014-07-05T08:07:35Z] Edelwin I give you the stacktrace