+ [2013-06-27T00:10:34Z] texasmynsted what is the latest version of jekyll that I can use with octopress? I want to do this —> http://yangsu.github.io/blog/2012/10/11/using-octopress-with-github-flavored-markdown-redcarpet/
+ [2013-06-27T02:19:35Z] pontiki_ hard to answer someone who won't say what their errors are...

message no. 3465

Posted by pontiki_ in #octopress at 2013-06-27T02:19:35Z

hard to answer someone who won't say what their errors are...
+ [2013-06-28T13:09:57Z] rob_ hi!
+ [2013-06-28T13:10:48Z] rob_ im keen to switch from wordpress to octopress but after a quick google i cant find any kind of wysiwyg editor for it.. this is the barrier for entry because the people who post to this blog are technophobes
+ [2013-06-28T13:10:53Z] rob_ does such a thing exist?
+ [2013-06-28T14:49:18Z] jaybe rob_, jekyll can uses any number of markdown engines. basically, jekyll leverages the 'markdown' format. there are markdown gui editors as well as some online options.
+ [2013-06-28T15:03:55Z] rob_ jaybe: ok cool, would it be possible for me to have multiple users and use a markdown editor to sort of emulate how wordpress works?