+ [2014-08-19T20:20:37Z] codeman7 Ok that makes sense. Thank you!
+ [2014-08-19T22:36:49Z] Pandemic_Force I upgraded to version 2.3.0, and since then when I attempt to build my site, it tells me "Defaults: Please update your front-matter defaults to use 'type: posts'." So, I do that, however when I change it, jekyll fails to build and it tells me "did not find expected key while parsing a block mapping
+ [2014-08-19T22:44:59Z] codeman7 Hello I'm having trouble with default layouts in my _config.yml. my first one with scope path: "" works (so pages are layout: page), but then I've got scope: path: "_posts" values: layout: "post", and that doesn't work for posts for some reason... any ideas? http://pastebin.com/0qdmFPEF
+ [2014-08-19T23:50:33Z] jaybe Pandemic_Force, your front matter defaults are likely wrong/incorrect. disable/comment out/remove and get things working. then you can look at adding back front matter defaults.

message no. 40918

Posted by pontiki in #jekyll at 2014-08-19T00:50:37Z

this is the resulting output: <p>Lorem ipsum <img src="http://i.imgur.com/MfucUXV.png" /> and a few more tricks.</p>
+ [2014-08-20T00:53:23Z] Ansikt How do I customize the URLs generated by Jekyll?
+ [2014-08-20T00:54:54Z] Ansikt Specifically, every file in my _posts/ directory is being moved to /{base_directory}/category1[/category2]/YYYY/MM/DD/post-name.html
+ [2014-08-20T00:55:08Z] Ansikt How do I override this behavior?
+ [2014-08-20T00:55:43Z] Ansikt (honestly, the biggest thing for me would be simply to remove the leading slash)
+ [2014-08-20T00:59:43Z] rubygeek so you have /blog/category/YYY/MM/DD and you want it to be /category/YYY/MM/DD ?