+ [2014-09-05T15:15:50Z] jbleuzen generally people use it on there local machine and upload generates files on server with rsync (or other stuff), but github runs it on their server for github-pages feature
+ [2014-09-05T15:16:07Z] jbleuzen the choice is up to you, but I guess it easier to runs it on your computer
+ [2014-09-05T15:51:10Z] jaybe tortal, there are lots of ways to do it/things. one neat way is to have jekyll installed on the server... and use git repo on the server with the site. a git post-receive hook is set up that, when the user pushes a site update, the git receive hook fires and executes jekyll build... and sets the --destination of the render/output to the directory where the/a (real) web server serves static files. neat!
+ [2014-09-05T17:10:19Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] jekyll/jekyll#4359 (master) The build was broken. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/34516179
+ [2014-09-05T20:24:28Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] jekyll/jekyll-watch#21 The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll-watch/builds/34532138

message no. 45717

Posted by tortal in #jekyll at 2014-09-05T15:13:53Z

thanks. I guess many are running it on the server-side to directly develop "in-place" ? maybe it has some extra configuations that can be made to simplify development if it resides on the server? Or is that just all the same, i.e. no advantage whatsoever to hve it installed on the server
+ [2014-09-06T02:10:24Z] tuananh is there any jekyll filter to allow me do sth like this {% include css/main.css | minify %} ?
+ [2014-09-06T11:43:08Z] KernelCurry Hello everyone. I am having a bit of a problem with Jekyll and GH-Pages ... Everything it working on my machine (local) but when I put it into a repo in Github i can not get to the site ... Am i missing someting? IF somone would take a look and let me know i would be very greatful. It is probably a stupid mistake. REPO: https://github.com/kernelcurry/kernelcurry-site
+ [2014-09-06T11:47:42Z] pontiki KernelCurry: are you trying to set that up as User pages, or as Project pages?
+ [2014-09-06T11:48:17Z] pontiki i.e., do you want that to show up as https://kernelcurry.github.com/ or as https://kernelcurry.github.com/kernelcurry-site/ ?
+ [2014-09-06T11:48:37Z] KernelCurry i want to show it at kernelcurry.com