+ [2014-12-23T22:35:44Z] jaybe Rovanion, assign the content desired to a variable and reference the variable within the include; so you're being specific
+ [2014-12-23T23:08:59Z] dts|pokeball whats a good place to learn jekyll?
+ [2014-12-24T00:46:22Z] Rovanion jaybe: I'm sorry to ask such a simple thing but I could only find docs on using existing variables in jekyll, and there's also the interaction between Kramdown and Jekyll. So would I add {% variable = {:toc} %} in every document where I want the toc in the menu?.
+ [2014-12-24T16:15:34Z] pontiki morning, folks
+ [2014-12-24T16:22:51Z] jaybe good morning, pontiki

message no. 68168

Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2014-12-24T16:22:51Z

good morning, pontiki
+ [2014-12-25T04:01:29Z] supay hello all!
+ [2014-12-25T04:16:46Z] supay does jekyll look for all posts in the directory recursively?
+ [2014-12-25T04:16:57Z] supay because, i currently have a structure like this
+ [2014-12-25T04:19:40Z] supay https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/MG26GpeY
+ [2014-12-25T04:19:41Z] jekyllrb Title: Pastebin: MG26GpeY | IRCCloud (at www.irccloud.com)