+[2013-08-28T01:05:40Z]pontikino, really +[2013-08-28T01:05:45Z]pontikioctopress is for hackers +[2013-08-28T01:05:46Z]pontikihack +[2013-08-28T01:06:11Z]kalibok, thanks anyway. +[2013-08-28T02:39:51Z]jaybeheh that was awesome
If you don't mind, could you please take a look at my _styles.scss to see if you can identify it?
+[2013-08-29T15:19:29Z]sethihi +[2013-08-29T15:19:50Z]sethiis there someone? +[2013-08-29T15:48:26Z]jaybethere was indeed, someone. +[2013-08-30T01:40:26Z]pontikithe once and future someone +[2013-08-30T07:02:09Z]matt2Can anyone here answer a rbenv question for me? I'm trying to get Octopress installed and I'm stuck.