+ [2015-03-08T20:23:15Z] pontiki hihi, jaybe :)
+ [2015-03-08T20:27:14Z] nahtnam I have this code: https://gist.github.com/nahtnam/44d1844dafba7d20fe58 and it works fine, but I was wondering how I can reverse the order BEFORE I sort it by date. If I sort it after, then its in reversed alphabetical order so I have to do it before.
+ [2015-03-08T20:28:15Z] nahtnam Oh wait
+ [2015-03-08T20:28:17Z] nahtnam got it

message no. 82824

Posted by pontiki in #jekyll at 2015-03-08T20:23:15Z

hihi, jaybe :)
+ [2015-03-09T02:44:45Z] pontiki http://swaac.tamouse.org/jekyll/2015/03/08/a-new-release-of-jekyllpress/ in case anyone is interested
+ [2015-03-09T02:44:49Z] jekyllrb Title: Link: A new release of Jekyllpress (at swaac.tamouse.org)
+ [2015-03-09T06:47:24Z] dopie anyone here awake?
+ [2015-03-09T11:54:10Z] vegardx How do people solve using jekyll-assets in sass files?
+ [2015-03-09T11:54:35Z] vegardx Sass naturally won't compile when it has Jekyll-stuff in it.