+ [2015-03-30T20:52:53Z] jaybe i know jekyll can read csv, json, yaml, etc. as data source
+ [2015-03-30T21:26:24Z] apipkin jaybe: yeah, that's all i've been able to find about it. Right now I have a rather large blob of text being collapsed in my editor, but I'd rather that be more manageable if possible :)
+ [2015-03-30T21:37:11Z] stevecrozz apipkin: write a liquid filter and install it as a jekyll plugin perhaps...
+ [2015-03-30T21:37:40Z] stevecrozz not a filter, a tag i think they call it
+ [2015-03-30T21:40:31Z] apipkin Oh that sounds like a good idea :)

message no. 87143

Posted by firebird in #jekyll at 2015-03-30T01:48:50Z

how are you?
+ [2015-03-31T10:22:32Z] bWFk //mode $me +x
+ [2015-03-31T21:32:12Z] dabbad00 how do I highlight a line within syntax highlighted lines? My assumption (from what I've seen online) shows I should be able to do: "{% highlight python hl_lines=7 linenos=table %}" but that "hl_lines" does nothing. :(
+ [2015-03-31T21:34:12Z] dabbad00 Specifically, hl_lines is referenced here: http://jekyllcn.com/news/2014/06/28/jekyll-turns-21-i-mean-2-1-0/
+ [2015-03-31T21:34:13Z] jekyllrb Title: Jekyll Turns 21! Err... I mean 2.1.0. (at jekyllcn.com)
+ [2015-03-31T21:36:27Z] dabbad00 I'm using jekyll 2.4.0, and pygments 1.5