+ [2015-05-06T13:42:05Z] jaybe again, hi
+ [2015-05-06T13:43:49Z] pontiki hi, jaybe :)
+ [2015-05-06T13:44:21Z] jaybe :) hello
+ [2015-05-06T18:47:48Z] someperson hey guys, is there a way to change the directory of _includes, _layouts, etc?
+ [2015-05-06T18:48:07Z] someperson I want to put all that in a folder, so my .md files are outside of it. looks cleaner the way I have it setup

message no. 92669

Posted by someperson in #jekyll at 2015-05-06T18:47:48Z

hey guys, is there a way to change the directory of _includes, _layouts, etc?
+ [2015-05-07T01:08:50Z] marcanuy I'm using this plugin to create pages for each item in a data file https://github.com/bighairydave/jekyll-datalist/blob/master/_plugins/generator.rb, when I start the server it can't read the data file: Error reading file /_layouts/bookpage.html: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /_layouts/bookpage.html , I'm using v2.4.0, any idea?
+ [2015-05-07T03:13:38Z] opencooper Hello. This is more of a YAML issue, but it seems to be related to the YAML parser Jekyll uses (safe_yaml) so I thought I'd ask here. I want to map a URL, so url: http://example.com. However, the second ':' throws the parser off. The solution of quoting the string (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11301650/how-to-escape-indicator-characters-i-e-or-in-yaml) isn't working unfortunately: " mapping values are not allowed in this context". Is there a
+ [2015-05-07T03:13:38Z] opencooper n alternate solution other than using HTML entities? I have a lot of URL's and it would greatly reduce readability and ease of insertion. Thanks, hope I didn't type too much.
+ [2015-05-07T03:13:39Z] jekyllrb Title: Example Domain (at example.com)
+ [2015-05-07T06:01:46Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll-import#494 The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll-import/builds/61572671