+ [2015-05-20T02:13:20Z] jaybe `latency
+ [2015-05-20T02:13:21Z] jekyllrb jaybe: 0.00 seconds.
+ [2015-05-21T03:22:18Z] jaybe o/
+ [2015-05-21T06:59:29Z] mikestewart how do I determine the VERSION of local jekyll plugins installed by github-pages
+ [2015-05-21T12:54:06Z] jaybe mikestewart, 'gem list' ought to

message no. 94478

Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2015-05-21T12:54:06Z

mikestewart, 'gem list' ought to
+ [2015-05-22T02:25:22Z] levifig anybody here have any experience importing Tumblr to Jekyll?
+ [2015-05-22T02:25:38Z] levifig getting stuck with this error: http://levi.d.pr/10U4R
+ [2015-05-22T02:25:39Z] jekyllrb Title: $ ./tumblr_import.rb Fetching http://levifig.tumblr.com/api/read/json/?num=50start=0 Page: 1 - P... • Droplr (at levi.d.pr)
+ [2015-05-22T02:50:12Z] pontiki hi hi
+ [2015-05-22T04:08:07Z] coffeebug Can Jekyll have collections whose labels are different to their paths?