+ [2015-05-22T16:55:14Z] Lucretia is there a way to highlight source from a url?
+ [2015-05-22T17:55:34Z] ____Tony Hello, Following "quickstart" at http://jekyllbootstrap.com/usage/jekyll-quick-start.html but confused. How does cloning "origin master" acquire gh-pages, wouldn't by default only import master branch? Also, examples seem only to import for "the" personal account website, not "USERNAME.github.com/REPONAME" which is desired. TIA.
+ [2015-05-22T17:55:35Z] jekyllrb Title: Jekyll Quick Start | ruhoh universal static blog generator (at jekyllbootstrap.com)
+ [2015-05-22T18:15:29Z] ____Tony Never mind. Am following http://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation/ instead which makes more sense.
+ [2015-05-22T18:15:30Z] jekyllrb Title: Installation (at jekyllrb.com)

message no. 94597

Posted by Lucretia in #jekyll at 2015-05-22T16:55:14Z

is there a way to highlight source from a url?
+ [2015-05-23T02:31:46Z] pontiki hello
+ [2015-05-23T03:08:42Z] jaybe o/
+ [2015-05-23T13:05:10Z] pontiki morning
+ [2015-05-23T17:15:58Z] jaybe hi
+ [2015-05-23T17:16:12Z] jaybe looks like httpd is not running on talk.jekyllrb.com or something ;\