+[2015-05-29T22:08:50Z]jaybe`learn rubys is https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/blob/master/.travis.yml#L5-L8 +[2015-05-29T22:08:50Z]jekyllrbjaybe: The operation succeeded. +[2015-05-29T22:40:56Z]whitekidneyany dev here? +[2015-05-29T22:41:56Z]whitekidneyI've asked previously about what I think may be a bug or not: if you use the truncate function and if an image or link happens to be truncated it leaves the A or img tag unfinished - is this intentional? +[2015-05-29T22:42:13Z]whitekidneyactually, what I found is that it leaves the ALT text is truncated and leaves the tags unfinished
hi guys, with jekyll.. can you change the class on 'body' when the current page is any other page than index?
+[2015-05-30T00:13:24Z]jaybeperhaps there is an error in your markup, source, template, etc. +[2015-05-30T00:50:00Z]pontikihello/ +[2015-05-30T01:29:24Z]jaybeo/ +[2015-05-30T05:05:49Z]captainkraftWhat could cause my site.posts or paginate.posts to be empty even though I have a markdown file in the _posts directory? +[2015-05-30T14:15:38Z]xphereshi