+ [2015-06-07T03:10:41Z] jaybe o/
+ [2015-06-07T20:23:03Z] brontosaurusrex do i want to install it with : sudo gem install jekyll ?
+ [2015-06-07T21:00:52Z] brontosaurusrex god, this thing is stupider than my bash script ...

message no. 97424

Posted by brontosaurusrex in #jekyll at 2015-06-07T20:59:46Z

uhm, where is first page defined?
+ [2015-06-08T13:16:17Z] brontosaurusrex find "$i" \( -iname "*.mov" -o -iname "*.avi" -o -iname "*.mxf" -o -iname "*.mp4" -o -iname "*.mpg" -o -iname "*.wav" -o -iname "*.aif" --o -iname "*.omf" -o -iname "*.aiff" -o -iname "*.mp3" \) ! -ipath "*Adobe*" ! -ipath "*.pek" ! -ipath "*.cfa" ! -ipath "*.DS_Store" | grep --colour="always" -i -s -e "$@" &
+ [2015-06-08T13:16:35Z] brontosaurusrex I'am getting "find: --o: unknown primary or operator" (osx)
+ [2015-06-08T13:19:02Z] mad- brontosaurusrex: you have one to much -- here i think --o -iname "*.omf"