+ [2015-10-24T05:45:08Z] allejo are liquid tags in Sass limited? what I'm trying to do: I have a file called backgrounds.scss that contains liquid to generate CSS based on data from a YAML file. I then have my main stylesheet (styles.scss) {% include_relative %} it but I get errors
+ [2015-10-24T05:45:29Z] allejo but backgrounds.scss compiles just file on it's own, it's when I include it that I have troubles
+ [2015-10-24T05:47:05Z] allejo ugh... I take it back
+ [2015-10-24T05:47:18Z] allejo the file being included can have liquid tags but can't have front matter
+ [2015-10-24T08:59:10Z] gynter allejo: correct

message no. 117576

Posted by allejo in #jekyll at 2015-10-24T05:45:08Z

are liquid tags in Sass limited? what I'm trying to do: I have a file called backgrounds.scss that contains liquid to generate CSS based on data from a YAML file. I then have my main stylesheet (styles.scss) {% include_relative %} it but I get errors
+ [2015-10-25T02:06:23Z] pontiki hi o/
+ [2015-10-25T02:17:42Z] jaybe \o
+ [2015-10-25T07:05:23Z] allejo So I'm giving jelly 3, beta 10 a shot and I've noticed that I've needed to delete .jekyll-metadata a lot in order to trigger a recompile of a lot of things, mainly collections. is this a known issue or am I just that lucky?
+ [2015-10-25T13:58:19Z] jaybe allejo: incremental regeneration is still being figured out. full rebuild with the -f switch. `jekyll help build`
+ [2015-10-25T16:50:21Z] UniFreak hi, I'm tring to install jekyll,here is the output:http://paste2.org/BzW3bFUP