+ [2015-11-16T21:42:23Z] osfameron I don't really understand the CSS (is a bit inconsistent about what's using mixins and what isn't) but otherwise really quite good
+ [2015-11-16T21:42:38Z] osfameron (also I'm really bad at CSS, so I probably get myself in knots about that :-)
+ [2015-11-16T21:43:04Z] osfameron I have to figure out how to get more social-media icons in the author-bio
+ [2015-11-16T21:43:30Z] osfameron I've added bold letters there, which is the easiest thing to do without extending the weird icon font-awesome thing
+ [2015-11-16T21:52:34Z] PrincessZoey I need to figure out how to have pages show posts, not just links

message no. 120143

Posted by PrincessZoey in #jekyll at 2015-11-16T21:52:34Z

I need to figure out how to have pages show posts, not just links
+ [2015-11-17T17:18:42Z] UniFreak I'm tring to install jekyll in cygwin, I installed ruby, gem, but when tring `gem install jekyll`, here is the outpu:http://paste.ubuntu.com/13315047/
+ [2015-11-17T17:18:43Z] jekyllrb Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at paste.ubuntu.com)
+ [2015-11-17T17:18:54Z] UniFreak plz help me here, what do I missed?
+ [2015-11-17T18:34:00Z] pontiki looks like you're missing build-essential