+ [2016-06-20T14:43:50Z] gynter Oh and don't paste stuff here, use gist or some pastebin ;)
+ [2016-06-20T16:20:21Z] ash_workz anyone recommend any (specific) resources on template structure?
+ [2016-06-20T16:44:30Z] jaybe [[ templates ]]
+ [2016-06-20T16:44:30Z] jekyllrb (templates) http://jekyllrb.com/docs/templates/

message no. 139847

Posted by gynter in #jekyll at 2016-06-20T14:43:50Z

Oh and don't paste stuff here, use gist or some pastebin ;)
+ [2016-06-21T03:49:33Z] pontiki hi jekyllists :)
+ [2016-06-21T07:54:07Z] Mark88 Hello, I'd like to ask how can I create a Jekyll post without markdown applied to it. So that "Let's Encrypt" challenge code is not wrapped in <p></p> ?
+ [2016-06-21T07:56:04Z] pontiki write the post as HTML
+ [2016-06-21T07:57:08Z] pontiki if you're just talking about embedding code in a standard post, look at highlight
+ [2016-06-21T07:58:10Z] pontiki if you just want it to be a preformatted block of monospaced text, just surround it with <pre><code>