+ [2016-07-16T21:03:48Z] jaybe 0
+ [2016-07-17T00:57:09Z] blackglade hi, is there anyway I can change the folder in which jekyll builds my website? change it from _site to something else?
+ [2016-07-17T01:02:16Z] pontiki yes: see the "destination" setting
+ [2016-07-17T21:25:17Z] travis-ci jekyll/jemoji#94 (master) The build has errored. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jemoji/builds/145411219

message no. 143670

Posted by pontiki in #jekyll at 2016-07-17T00:28:22Z

+ [2016-07-18T03:36:59Z] ljc anyone know a good resource to get social media svg's that look similar to github/twitter ones that jekyll has?
+ [2016-07-18T03:40:50Z] ljc also, i've removed the text to the social media svg links, and put them in an inline list. the result is when the cursor is over the svg, there is an underlined part to the right of the icon http://pasteboard.co/cO5Jhte1o.png
+ [2016-07-18T03:40:52Z] jekyllrb Title: Pasteboard — Uploaded Image (at pasteboard.co)
+ [2016-07-18T22:23:02Z] timwis Hey folks, anyone know whether it's possible to treat a _data/file.csv as a collection and generate html pages for each row of the file?
+ [2016-07-19T20:58:26Z] blackglade is there anyway I can tell jekyll to ignore permalinks for certain files? jekyll serve gives me a proper website, but when I actually take the built html directory and open it up manually, all the css/javascript file links are off