+ [2016-07-26T23:20:33Z] miklb guess I need to get that theme I was working on into a Gem ASAP
+ [2016-07-27T06:00:35Z] pontiki i gave a lightning talk on the jekyll-reveal starter kit i put together, and got quite a bit of applause because i broke up the slide deck into separate files
+ [2016-07-27T11:00:24Z] newke hello. i really like jekyll and would like to use it to create a photo gallery for my friend. but he is not techically literate, so using jekyll would be difficult for him. is there any web interface for managing jekyll?
+ [2016-07-27T12:41:30Z] jekyllrb (gui) (#1) guthub.com, or (#2) prose.io, or (#3) http://cloudcannon.com/jekyll-gui/, or (#4) https://github.com/gabriel-john/utterson
+ [2016-07-27T12:41:30Z] jaybe ./fs gui

message no. 144602

Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2016-07-27T12:41:30Z

./fs gui
+ [2016-07-28T00:09:38Z] seductiveerror Hi guys, I am having an issue with deployment using git hooks. This may not be as much of a jekyll issue (possible it is) as a ruby environment
+ [2016-07-28T00:25:47Z] seductiveerror In the post-receive I clone, bundle, and bower install and then build Jekyll. At that point I get "Dependency Error: Yikes! It looks like you don't have jekyll-assets...". It doesn't really make sense, because if I log into the server and build it it works fine.
+ [2016-07-28T22:08:11Z] Sentreen I seem to have some issues getting pygements to work. I have the pygments.rb gem installed on my system. However, adding pygments as a gem to my _config.yml returns a dependency error. Did anybody run into a similar issue?
+ [2016-07-28T22:19:58Z] Sentreen Turns out that just having the gem installed is not enough, you need to create a gemfile with pygments.rb as well. The documentation is pretty lacking in that regard