+ [2014-08-03T11:54:19Z] hnk basically, i want to resolve the variable, before it gets sent to my custom plugin
+ [2014-08-03T11:54:33Z] hnk i am new to this, so please bear with me
+ [2014-08-03T14:27:06Z] jaybe hnk, i presume you have written your own plugin
+ [2014-08-03T14:27:53Z] jaybe hnk, the {% include %} tag provides for variable interpolation; perhaps reference it for how it's done. the documentation for {% include %} (Templates docs) describes how to do it on the front end
+ [2014-08-03T23:00:15Z] FFForever2 Hey hey. Is it possible to define custom_js: (filea.js, fileb.js, filec.js, ...) and have it render a script line per item in the array

message no. 35814

Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2014-08-03T14:27:53Z

hnk, the {% include %} tag provides for variable interpolation; perhaps reference it for how it's done. the documentation for {% include %} (Templates docs) describes how to do it on the front end
+ [2014-08-04T14:57:15Z] Trynemjoel Anyone here using github-pages gem for their site? I can't seem to get my bundle install to use 2.2.0, it just installs/uses 1.5.1.
+ [2014-08-04T15:18:54Z] nevvkid_ trynemjoel
+ [2014-08-04T15:19:00Z] nevvkid_ bundle init
+ [2014-08-04T15:19:07Z] nevvkid_ than add this to your new gemfile
+ [2014-08-04T15:19:08Z] nevvkid_ source 'https://rubygems.org'