+ [2014-08-31T15:12:26Z] pontiki seems like they should both get processed
+ [2014-08-31T15:13:34Z] User458764 ok thanks I was asking because css/ dir doesn't begin with _ and _sass does
+ [2014-08-31T15:14:34Z] pontiki right -- you don't want to create a sass directory in your destination
+ [2014-08-31T15:15:02Z] jaybe the docs, linked to from within this channel' topic, describes/documents the sass feature (and more!); just friendly fyi! :)
+ [2014-08-31T15:15:24Z] pontiki s'truth! jaybe is the friendliest! :)

message no. 44044

Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2014-08-31T15:15:02Z

the docs, linked to from within this channel' topic, describes/documents the sass feature (and more!); just friendly fyi! :)
+ [2014-09-01T19:36:27Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] jekyll/jekyll#4348 (some-kind-of-bundler-thingy) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/34127091
+ [2014-09-01T20:28:47Z] zagaza jaybe
+ [2014-09-02T09:08:12Z] dean[h] Morning. My jekyll build process has got pretty slow in the last couple of days. It's hard to pinpoint what is causing it. Any ideas what I can look into? The jekyll build command gives me no useful output or debug so i can see what's happening?
+ [2014-09-02T09:14:29Z] jbleuzen dean[h]: First thing to look, are you using plugins ? If yes, remove them all…
+ [2014-09-02T09:15:05Z] dean[h] I only have one file in my _plugins directory (using jekyll bootstrap) and its debug.rb