+ [2014-12-08T20:23:05Z] bret Sawbones: not necessary the highlights of jekyll use, but a whole lot of examples https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/wiki/Sites
+ [2014-12-08T20:23:07Z] jekyllrb Title: Sites · jekyll/jekyll Wiki · GitHub (at github.com)
+ [2014-12-08T20:28:54Z] pontiki i was using it as a news reader
+ [2014-12-08T20:28:58Z] pontiki and a comics reader
+ [2014-12-08T20:30:11Z] pontiki i stopped tho because the build times were getting ridiculous because i never deleted any entries...

message no. 65176

Posted by jekyllrb in #jekyll at 2014-12-08T20:23:07Z

Title: Sites · jekyll/jekyll Wiki · GitHub (at github.com)
+ [2014-12-09T01:27:57Z] Sawbones Hey guys, how do I serve my jekyll app to everyone else, I ssh into my server and do `jekyll server` but when I visit my host at :4000 I can't access it
+ [2014-12-09T01:55:53Z] jaybe Sawbones, the serve function is absolutely not meant for serving the public
+ [2014-12-09T01:56:17Z] jaybe Sawbones, it's merely for development/testing. the server is available via localhost, by design. it is not a production server.
+ [2014-12-09T01:56:36Z] Sawbones jaybe: How so?
+ [2014-12-09T01:56:40Z] jaybe Sawbones, use a real web server, such as nginx, or apache, or lighthttpd, etc. to serve the generated/rendered site