+ [2015-02-02T23:36:50Z] pontiki what's supposed to be at /search ?
+ [2015-02-02T23:49:34Z] kristian-aalborg it seems I have some ruby issues on the server... trying to sort that at the moment
+ [2015-02-02T23:52:26Z] kristian-aalborg /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:in `require': cannot load such file -- jekyll_lunr_js_search/version (LoadError)

message no. 76753

Posted by pontiki in #jekyll at 2015-02-02T23:36:50Z

what's supposed to be at /search ?
+ [2015-02-03T14:04:54Z] Rovanion Won't anyone have mercy on this poor little question on SO: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27611488/jekyll-place-the-kramdown-table-of-contents-in-an-include-for-hash-navigation It's bounty expires today.
+ [2015-02-03T14:04:55Z] jekyllrb Title: tableofcontents - Jekyll: Place the kramdown table of contents in an _include for hash navigation - Stack Overflow (at stackoverflow.com)
+ [2015-02-03T14:05:23Z] jaybe summarize your question here
+ [2015-02-03T14:07:08Z] Rovanion I want the kramdown toc in the menu of the site. Is it possible to do so when the menu is a separate file from the content?
+ [2015-02-03T14:08:04Z] Rovanion So I want to place hash links to the headers of the page into a menu.