+ [2015-02-14T03:41:43Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll#5337 (read-csv-data-with-proper-encoding) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/50721334
+ [2015-02-14T03:41:45Z] jekyllrb Title: Travis CI - Free Hosted Continuous Integration Platform for the Open Source Community (at travis-ci.org)
+ [2015-02-14T04:27:11Z] pontiki hello, fellow jekyllers!
+ [2015-02-14T04:38:39Z] jaybe howdy pontiki
+ [2015-02-14T05:19:36Z] pontiki jaybe :)

message no. 79522

Posted by travis-ci in #jekyll at 2015-02-14T03:41:43Z

jekyll/jekyll#5337 (read-csv-data-with-proper-encoding) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/50721334
+ [2015-02-15T01:56:52Z] allejo yeup. Jekyll uses Liquid as the templating engine. So you'd just have to design your website first, then split up sections of the websites into templates/sections and use Liquid so you can use information from Jekyll
+ [2015-02-15T02:13:29Z] zacts cool
+ [2015-02-15T13:32:11Z] OverCore Hi, anyone use jekill with grunt?
+ [2015-02-15T14:49:48Z] mistnim hello, I actually install execjs, jekyll still tells me it doesn't find a javascript runtime
+ [2015-02-15T14:51:47Z] mistnim whatever, I install node