+[10 years ago]ofcanI'm trying to host it on Github pages, but it is not displaying images and links to thhe blogposts are broken +[10 years ago]ofcancan you please help me? +[10 years ago]ofcanhere's the link to the SO question > http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28820917/jekyll-on-github-pages-not-displaying-images-and-has-broken-links +[10 years ago]jekyllrbTitle: Jekyll on Github pages not displaying images and has broken links - Stack Overflow (at stackoverflow.com) +[10 years ago]jaybealmost waited 5 full minutes
message no. 82013
Posted by ofcan in #jekyll at 2015-03-02T22:50:18Z
can you please help me?
+[10 years ago]ovrstormWhat do I need to do to get jekyll build to take a link in a markdown file like [My Link](file.md) and change it to [My Link](file.html) in the output html file? +[10 years ago]ovrstormlooks like - {{ content | replace:'.md','.html' }} is going to work for starters +[10 years ago]pontikimorning... +[10 years ago]vegardxSo, I'm trying to get cache busting working. And have, somewhat. But when it searches for posts it does not understand that it should bust things there too. It just says it cant locate the file. +[10 years ago]vegardxhttps://gist.github.com/vegardx/5a517b4ce466435b7ff7