+ [2016-12-12T19:20:32Z] t-richards The alternative, of course, is the package manager (CPAN, or the OS). Both of those things would pull in the `perl-file-next` library which ack requires.
+ [2016-12-12T19:21:50Z] osfameron I have it installed via package manager myself. but one reason it became popular is that it didn't make *everyone* do that :D
+ [2016-12-13T05:05:03Z] istrasci Anyone know how to get Jekyll + Hawkins working in RubyMine.

message no. 159209

Posted by istrasci in #jekyll at 2016-12-13T05:05:21Z

+ [2016-12-14T12:21:48Z] gewoonm hi all! I've got a collection, where each article has its own 'articlenr'. For my index I want to loop through these articles in a specific order (i.e.: 3,5,8,1,9,2). I cannot change the article-nrs, so how should I change my liquid filter? (currently: "site.articles | shuffle")
+ [2016-12-14T12:55:13Z] gewoonm I've solved this as follows http://pastebin.com/KuDtvipq Is there a better way?
+ [2016-12-14T12:55:13Z] jekyllrb Title: Jekyll filter - Pastebin.com (at pastebin.com)
+ [2016-12-14T13:22:54Z] jaybe If you want to call things in an explicit order, simply call them in the order you desire
+ [2016-12-14T13:40:34Z] gewoonm hi jaybe, thanks for answering. But how to call them in that order? There's some display code underneath that's the same for all