+[2017-01-21T08:41:56Z]allejoonce you get your head around how everything is structured and things are tied to each other, it'll make more sense +[2017-01-21T08:43:01Z]t94xryeah +[2017-01-21T20:22:00Z]MadSystemhi +[2017-01-21T20:22:14Z]MadSystemim currently trying to customize the jekyll-swiss theme +[2017-01-21T20:23:46Z]MadSystemwhat I want to do is to change the _variables.scss h0 variable. In the original theme it does not have a !default defined. Does this mean it will not get overwritten?
once you get your head around how everything is structured and things are tied to each other, it'll make more sense
+[2017-01-22T22:00:29Z]parsnipanyone have a solution for including algorithms in jekyll site? +[2017-01-22T22:00:46Z]jaybeSupports MathJax +[2017-01-22T22:00:54Z]jaybe[[ docs ]] +[2017-01-22T22:00:55Z]jekyllrb(docs) http://jekyllrb.com/docs/home/ +[2017-01-22T22:01:05Z]jaybe[[ highlight ]]